The 2010 Democratic candidate for Michigan Secretary of State says she will try again in 2018.
Former Wayne State University law school dean Jocelyn Benson lost seven years ago to Ruth Johnson in a Republican wave. With Johnson sidelined by term limits, Benson says she still has a passion for the job and is ready for another run at it.
Benson says ballot access and election security would be high priorities for her.
“I want to make it easier to vote, harder to cheat, take seriously any threats to our democracy whether they be outside or internal threats.”
She would also guarantee that branch office customers lining up for driver’s licenses and license plates won’t have to wait more than 30 minutes.
To run, Benson will first have to be nominated next year at a state Democratic Party convention.
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— Rick Pluta is the Managing Editor and Reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at