Michigan’s new governor will start in January. But Governor-Elect Gretchen Whitmer faces an adversarial state Legislature, which could impact what Whitmer is able to accomplish.
Whitmer made fixing the state’s roads a staple of her campaign. But you need money to do that, and Whitmer has raised the possibility of use taxes to fund the roads.
Representative Lee Chatfield is the new Speaker of the House. He says he’s probably not going to get behind any tax increase.
“I will say that no one in the House Republican chamber ran on raising taxes.”
Whitmer says she’s willing to work with anyone to solve the state’s problems. As a part of that, she wants to have regular meetings with the Republican and Democratic leadership in the House and Senate.
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—Cheyna Roth is a reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at studio@wemu.org