Governor Gretchen Whitmer has issued a new COVID-19 executive order. This order sets rules to help manage the re-opening of some businesses and recreational activities. We have more from Rick Pluta.
The new order requires retail stores to set aside special shopping hours for people over 60, pregnant women, and people with health conditions at higher risk if infected by the virus. Employees must be issued face masks. Salad bars and self-serve food stations are not allowed. People must also still remain at least six feet apart. Whitmer says the precautions are necessary to ensure the number of known new cases continues to improve.
“We know that no one wants a second wave. It would be devastating for the health of our people and our economy.”
That was Whitmer from an appearance on ABC’s “This Week.” Attorney General Dana Nessel says her office will take into account good faith efforts to comply when enforcing the order.
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— Rick Pluta is the Managing Editor and Reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at