Eastern Michigan University officials have reached out to alumni and friends of EMU to clarify the future of sports at the University.
The response was due to recent reports that Eastern Michigan University, among hundreds of other universities are losing money on athletic programs. An email went out to EMU alumni and friends making it very clear that quote "we have absolutely no plans to eliminate football or move into any other division or conference."
You can read the full contents of the email here.
A recent HBO report and an Eastern University's professors union officially recently spoke about the amount of money that is spent on athletics versus the payoff for that investment.
The EMU email states several times that "any notion, suggestion or headline that in any way suggests Eastern is considering eliminating football or moving into another conference or division is absolutely false.
All the moving parts to the story:
Professors Union Treasurer Calls For Change In Spending On Athletics
Athletic Director Touts Successes And Benefits Of Sports Programs
Some Eastern Michigan University Faculty Members Want More Funds For Academics And Less For Sports
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— Lisa Barry is a reporter, and host of All Things Considered on 89.1 WEMU. Contact her at 734.487.3363, on twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her lbarryma@emich.edu