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2022 Election Results: Washtenaw County Races for Michigan State Senate

In the newly created 14th State Senate District, Democrat Sue Shink has defeated Jackson Republican Tim Golding. Shink is from Ann Arbor and currently serves as chair of the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. The new 14th district covers northern Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter and the townships in the western portion of the county. It further stretches west to cover much of Jackson County. Shink will serve a four-year term after being sworn in to office in January. Shink garnered 69% voter support.

Incumbent Jeff Irwin is the winner in the 15th State Senate district. The Ann Arbor democrat defeated Republican Scott Price of Ypsilanti by a wide margin. Right now, Irwin represents the 18th State Senate district but redistricting shifted him to the 15th. The new state Senate District includes the southern half of Ann Arbor and southern and eastern portions of Washtenaw County, including Ypsilanti, Saline and Pittsfield and Superior Townships. It also extends south to Tecumseh in Lenawee County and includes Milan, which straddles the border between Monroe and Washtenaw counties. Irwin will serve another four-year term. Irwin received over 76% voter support.

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Contact David: dfair@emich.edu