Shaking hands, hugging. and dining inside restaurants is now OK, according to Michigan Medicine infectious disease specialist Dr. Sandro Cinti. He talks…
The rate of COVID-19 cases across Michigan has been trending upward recently, and while many people are getting the vaccine, not everyone is on board with…
As COVID Vaccinations Begin, One Mich Med Doctor Calls It "The Beginning Of The End Of The Pandemic"Calling it “the beginning of the end” of the 2020 pandemic, a University of Michigan hospital infectious disease specialist, who co-chaired the hospital’s…
As the number of cases of COVID-19 in Washtenaw County continue to decline, and testing opportunities increase, Michigan Medicine infectious disease…
Michigan Medicine infectious disease specialist Dr. Sandro Cinti says we have "undoubtedly flattened" the coronavirus curve, as they see more patients…
Michigan Medicine infectious disease specialist Dr. Sandro Cinti says the spread of COVID-19 is progressing as expected and expects continued movement…
There are still a lot of questions about what's currently happening in our community with the coronavirus or COVID-19, so WEMU's Lisa Barry checks in with…