A new House joint resolution aimed at protecting marriage equality has been introduced by a state representative from Ann Arbor. WEMU’s Victoria Smith reports.
Ruling takes effect in 21 days, unless a higher court overturns the decision.A federal judge has ruled Michigan must recognize over 300 same-sex marriages…
Members of Washtenaw County's LGBT community disheartened by court's decision.The fate of Michigan's ban on same-sex marriage remains in the balance. The…
Governor Rick Snyder has said that the 300 or so same-sex marriages performed in Michigan back in March are void. Local marriage equality supporters are…
DeBoer case appealed to SCOTUSThe legal team for April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse filed its appeal Monday with the US Supreme Court. They want the court to…
Schuette, DeBoer and Rowse to cooperate in getting same-sex marriage case before SCOTUSAttorney General Bill Schuette and the couple trying to overturn…
Local marriage equality advocates are gearing up for a petition drive. The action follows Thursday's federal appeals court decision to uphold anti-gay…
As more states join the list of those where same-sex marriage is legal, an appeal of the overturning of Michigan's ban on gay and lesbian unions remains…
Status of same-sex marriage in MI still awaiting 6th Circuit decisionThe US Supreme Court has declined to hear seven same-sex marriage cases. And that…
In Cincinnati today, the U-S Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments on same-sex marriage bans in Michigan and three other states. The cases…