The item would create a Fair Elections Fund from Ann Arbor's general fund. WEMU's Taylor Bowie has more.
The Ann Arbor Tenants Union has launched a campaign to end waitlist fees in the city and across Michigan. WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert has this report.
The Michigan Department of Transportation is seeking public feedback on a potential project to widen US-23. WEMU’s Taylor Bowie has more.
A petition campaign plans to start gathering signatures soon to repeal Michigan’s new clean energy law. It’s aiming to get a question on the November ballot. Rick Pluta reports.
The Michigan Board of State Canvassers could turn to state lawmakers in the coming year to clarify some of its duties. Colin Jackson has more.
The ongoing noise problem from a stretch of M-14 was the focus of a recent town hall Wednesday at Wines Elementary School. Ann Arbor residents, politicians and leadership from the Michigan Department of Transportation were in attendance. WEMU’s Josh Hakala reports.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is calling for tighter rules on professional signature gatherers for petition drives. That’s after her office charged the owners of signature collection firms with felonies last week. Rick Pluta reports.
A renewed call for action has emerged following the release of carcinogenic hexavalent chromium into the Huron River this past summer. WEMU's Cathy Shafran reports.
An organization says it’s found several typos in a proposed constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in Michigan. Colin Jackson has more.
Former US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has thrown her support behind a petition campaign in Michigan. The campaign would allow personal and corporate…