The cost of producing and distributing renewable energy continues to decline. That is changing the energy marketplace. Still, there are a lot of hurdles…
Each week, WEMU's Lisa Barry talks with Sarah Rigg, project manager for "On The Ground-Ypsi," an online source of positive things happening in the…
Dave Strenski from Solar Ypsi has used his hobby to help make Ypsilanti a "solar city." On this week's On The Ground Ypsilanti, Patrick Campion sits down…
How would a “Mental Health and Public Safety Preservation” tax levy enhance funding for environmental measures? A countywide ballot initiative will be…
The legislative session in Lansing came to an end this year with a flurry. Numerous bills were passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature and sent to…
The City of Ann Arbor will host the 16th annual Mayor's Green Fair on Main Street Friday, June 10, 6–9 p.m. to celebrate the community's environmental…
Some 10-acres of property at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport may soon be home to a massive solar array. In this weeks edition of 'Issues of the…
Some controversy over large solar power arrays in northeast Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor city council member Jane Lumm is our guest on this week's Issues of the…