A survey of Ann Arbor residents shows high marks for quality of life but still see problems with DTE and the cost of housing. WEMU's Kevin Meerschaert reports.
The group Ann Arbor for Public Power says, as long as the city continues to use DTE as its power utility, it won’t come close to reaching its goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert has this report.
As DTE works to get power restored to customers after this week’s storms, the call continues for changes to utilities in Washtenaw County and across Michigan. WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert has this report.
Funding for studies on public power and compensation are included in the budget proposal. WEMU's Taylor Bowie has more.
Ann Arbor voters will be asked in November if they want to create a local Sustained Energy Utility, or SEU. WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert has the story.
The Ann Arbor City Council will hear from the public tonight regarding the current budget proposal. WEMU's Kevin Meerschaert has more.
The Michigan Attorney General’s office has launched a website to help people track power outages and whether they are due a credit or a refund for lost service. Rick Pluta reports.
Ann Arbor voters could decide in November if they want to a create a city-owned electric grid that uses only renewable energy. More from WEMU’s Kevin Meerschaert.
What do you do in the cold of winter if you can't pay your heating bill? Sadly, thousands in the area face that crisis question. There are some resources available, and, on "Washtenaw United," you'll learn how to tap into them. Sean Scane is director of utility assistance with the United Way for Southeastern Michigan. He joined WEMU's David Fair with the latest information on the growing need for assistance and the efforts to expand the Michigan Energy Assistance Program.
Several Washtenaw County residents spoke out against unreliable utility services. It took place at a recent town hall at Washtenaw Community College hosted by Congresswoman Debbie Dingell. WEMU’s Josh Hakala reports.