A peaceful “Immigrants' March” is planned for Saturday in Ann Arbor. The march and rally will serve as a protest to recent immigration raids and arrests in Washtenaw County by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
Organizers say they expect more than 2,000 concerned local residents will gather at 1PM at the federal building in downtown Ann Arbor on Saturday. From there, they will march to the University of Michigan's Central Campus Diag for a rally.
Brad Adam helped organize the “Immigrants' March.” Adam says he doesn't agree with the Trump administration immigration policies and enforcement actions and wants to see significant change.
"Starting with pushing our representatives to defeat Michigan House Bill 4105, which is known as the Sanctuary Policy Prohibition Act, which would prohibit cities from being sanctuary cities."
In a press release announcing the event, organizers put forth a list of demands:
-No human being is illegal
-Equality for all--undocumented, documented and citizens
-ICE out of our communities
-Stop tearing families apart
-We will defend each other against ICE raids, arrests, and deportations
-Defeat Michigan House Bill 4105--"Sanctuary Policy Prohibition Act"
-Organize sanctuary cities, campuses, counties and states
-Defend sanctuary cities, campuses, counties and states against the Trump Administration’s threats
-No discrimination in wages or in access to health care, public education or in-state tuition
-Defend DACA and DAPA
-No wall, no militarization of the border with Mexico
-Stop police violence against immigrants, black people and all people of color
-No Muslim ban
-No Muslim registry
-Close immigrant detention centers
-No criminalization of those giving aid to immigrants
-Solidarity with all movements of the oppressed for freedom and equality
No singular group organized Saturday’s “Immigration March.” Several local organizations are providing support as sponsors, including the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him javellan@emich.edu