Formerly the US attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, and now a professor for the University of Michigan Law School, Barbara McQuade spoke with 89.1 FM WEMU’s Lisa Barry about what she called "the chaos in Washington" and the importance of diversity.
McQuade gives her thoughts on the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, someone whom she has worked with in the past. She describes the tensions between him and President Donald Trump as a "culture clash." She said “its business culture –loyalty to the boss, versus government culture – loyalty to the ‘mission’.”
Lisa Barry also asked McQuade to discuss her recent commencement speech at Eastern Michigan University’s Spring 2017 graduation ceremony. In it, McQuade stressed the importance being educated and listening to each other. She also shares a story of meeting state representative Yousef Rabhi on the campaign trail and how one vote can make a difference.
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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at