This week, Art and Soul is about the performing arts in our area. 89.1 WEMU'S Lisa Barry is joined by local writer and reviewer Jenn McKee and the director of the Michigan ElvisFest organization Mary Decker to talk about some of the performing arts opportunities happening now and in the near future.
The conversation also included the following current or upcoming performing arts activities:
Willow Run at the Purple Rose Theatre
West Side Story at Encore Theatre
At the Illusionist's Table June 26-July 2, part of the Ann Arbor Summer Festival.
The annual performance of the Capitol Steps, July 4th at the Power Center.
John Heffron, June 29, at the A2 Comedy Showcase.
Young Frankenstein: The Musical by Penny Seats Theatre in West Park, July 12-28
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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at