Eastern Michigan University's Early College Alliance will once again be holding a "Unity in the Community" day on campus. Patrick Campion sits down with Ellen Fischer, ECA's Principal, to talk about the ECA and why this event is important to them, their students, and EMU campus community.
From Dr. Fischer:
For those who don't know me: I am the principal of the Early College Alliance high school program here on campus. We are located in King Hall, where two years ago a racist message was found on the outer wall by our Senior Administrative Assistant, Crystal Jackson. We responded to that and other incidents for the past two years by re-affirming our commitment to the safety of our wonderfully diverse learning community, being ever more thoughtful about building an inclusive school culture, and active resistance to messages of hate.
This work is ongoing! And so...we will be holding our third annual Unity in the Community event on Friday, September 28, 2017 from 3:00-4:00pm in King Hall’s Multicultural Lounge (across from the main office).
The event will be an opportunity for students to come together to express their hopes for peace, acceptance, and unity. My hope is that our young people can feel empowered not only to influence the dialogue about race and racism (and other "isms"), but can also begin to take responsibility for learning more about these issues and really commit to being part of the solution.