The Washtenaw County Health Department says health guidelines for celebrating Memorial Day in groups this year are different because of COVID-19.
Brandon Morrill is an environmental health administrator with the county. He says. since food is not a primary route of transmission for COVID-19, social distancing will be essential if you plan to host a small gathering. Morrill says it’s a good idea to talk to your guests about safety guidelines, like wearing a mask, before they attend your gathering.
Brandon Morrill: Worst case scenario, if you have extra masks or something like that, providing. If they want to participate and or be over, making sure that everyone is participating safely.
Morrill says it’s a good idea to wash your hands when you get to the gathering to help prevent the spread of viruses.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him