The Ann Arbor District Library’s downtown branch has reopened, two weeks after one of its employees tested positive for COVID-19.
Library Director Josie Parker says the library’s contactless pickup service is up and running again after shutting down to allow staff to quarantine. Parker says, to prevent future closures, the library is now placing more of an emphasis on how it schedules its workers.
Josie Parker: Where we have two teams who can do this work, in the event that one team is on quarantine, another is able to continue to work.
Twelve employees went through the quarantine process, and the one who tested positive is still recovering. Parker says, since the library is currently only offering contactless services, library patrons who used their service last month were not exposed to COVID-19.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him