After 50 years, an Ypsilanti antiques store will close its doors for the final time tomorrow. Before the downtown institution becomes a music venue under new ownership, WEMU’s Josh Hakala spoke with the retiring owner of Materials Unlimited.
With nearly a half century in business, Reynold Lowe says he is working to move as much inventory as possible before his downtown store closes. After that, he is looking forward to retirement where he will spend time on his farm. There, he will put aside his career as a treasure hunter and focus on his other passion: sculpting.
Lowe says he’s proud that his business next to the Huron River has become a destination for antique enthusiasts from all over the country.
“I’m very happy to have been able to find amazing pieces and find homes for them. And customers … it enhances their life and it’s very rewarding to do that.”
Any unsold inventory will be put up for online auction beginning January 5th.
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