The last vacancy on the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents has been filled by Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Anupam Chugh Sidhu replaces Michelle Crumm, whose term expired last December. Sidhu, a Canton native, is an EMU alum. She earned a bachelor’s degree in math and secondary teaching from Eastern and a master's in education from Wayne State.
Sidhu recently retired from teaching but is still very much involved in education. She serves on the Michigan Association of School Boards and the Plymouth-Canton Community School Board.
Sidhu says she is excited to help her alma mater improve in a couple key areas.
“As I look at what’s happened to Eastern since I left, we really need to look at increasing the student enrollment and graduation rates here and improving student support and experiences, as well as college affordability.”
If Sidhu is approved by the state Senate, she will serve an eight-year term which runs through 2030. The next meeting for the board is April 20.
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