A restaurant that has been an Ann Arbor institution for the last 67 years will close at the end of the year. It was one of the 49 private properties that will be purchased by the University of Michigan for $75 million at Central Campus.
Angelo’s has been serving breakfast and raisin toast in Ann Arbor since 1956. At the age of 65, owner Stephen Vangelatos has worked in the same place since he was a teenager. And with no one in his family interested in taking over, he decided to sell.
The university is purchasing the restaurant at the corner of Catherine Street and Glenn Avenue for $4.5 million.
Vangelatos, who works there seven days a week, says he is looking forward to a few well-deserved vacations.
“I appreciate everything and everybody that’s ever worked here and helped me. But now, like I said, I’m 65, I’m relatively healthy … the doctors tell me. You know, I want to get out and enjoy – the universe has given me the opportunity to enjoy my life and not have to worry about much. Yeah, I’m very lucky.”
Angelo’s will close at the end of December. The university has yet to release any plans for the property.
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