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Ann Arborites want West Park music venue repaired and restored

West Park Bandshell Project
City of Ann Arbor
West Park Bandshell Project

Ann Arbor residents say they want to see the West Park bandshell fixed up and for music to return to the historic venue. That’s according to a survey conducted for the Parks and Recreation Department.

West Park was once home to concerts from bands including the Grateful Dead and the MC5. But the bandshell fell into disrepair and has been fenced off since the spring of 2021.

The survey was conducted by Ann Arbor architectural consultant firm SmithGroup.

Landscape architect consultant Brandon Woodle says there’s a strong inclination to bring entertainment back to the West Park bandshell.

“People really enjoyed attending performances in the natural setting and the quality of connecting to nature while also connecting to their community was really valued.”

There are other issues that need to be addressed. They include its location in a floodway and the need for improvements to bathrooms, the stage area and the acoustics.

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News Reporter and Host Kevin Meerschaert was a student reporter at WEMU in the early 90s. After another 30 years in the public radio business and stops in Indiana, Maryland, Florida, and New Mexico, Kevin is back to where it all began.
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