State House Speaker Joe Tate told the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Regional Chamber of Commerce on Monday he will need their help in getting more businesses and people to call Michigan home.
Speaker Tate says according to the recent Growing Michigan Together Council report, between 1980 and 2022, Michigan’s population grew by 8.8%. Over that time, the United States grew by over 46%. He says that is a trend that needs to be addressed.
Tate says the Legislature needs to discuss longtime policies that haven’t produced the desired results.
“Not only being able to repeal the 1931 abortion ban, but really identifying and setting the vision of what Michigan is going to be.”
Tate says we need a state that is going to move forward and be a place people want to live and work.
Tate was the speaker Monday at the A2Y Regional Chamber Luncheon at Eastern Michigan University.
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