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State Senator Jeff Irwin of Ann Arbor honored by Michigan Works! Association

Ann Arbor State Senator Jeff Irwin has been named Legislator of the Year by the Michigan Works! Association.

Irwin says he’s honored to be recognized by Michigan Works!, saying the organization is a great partner in helping train youth and others to become sought after employees across the state. He says they provide a great service that benefits workers and businesses.

“A lot of people have gotten their first jobs through Michigan Works! They are really kind of opening doors of opportunity for young people, giving them kind of a window to see what the working world could be like for them, and that can be really important.”

Michigan Works! Association CEO Ryan Hundt says support from lawmakers like Irwin allows the organization to grow. Hundt says Irwin’s leadership is making a big difference for employers and job seekers across Michigan.

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News Reporter and Host Kevin Meerschaert was a student reporter at WEMU in the early 90s. After another 30 years in the public radio business and stops in Indiana, Maryland, Florida, and New Mexico, Kevin is back to where it all began.
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