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Gretchen Driskell and Lisa Gubaci-Root running to become the next Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner

Washtenaw County Water Resources Commission

With longtime Washtenaw County Water Resource Commissioner Evan Pratt stepping down after four terms on the job, it opened the seat to other candidates.

Democrat Gretchen Driskell is no stranger to Washtenaw politics having served as the Mayor of Saline for 14 years in the State House and twice a candidate for Congress. She says keeping the county’s waterways and groundwater clean is a challenge from the plume to the Huron River.

Gretchen Driskell
Gretchen Driskell
“I think a lot of people are aware of algae blooms in Ford Lake had this year had contamination. And so, the water runs off and gets into our fresh water, and I think a real important role in this position is to help keep our fresh water clean as much as possible over time.”

Driskell is being challenged by Republican Lisa Gubaci-Root. She worked as an administrative director with the University of Michigan. WEMU was unable to contact her for an interview.

Lisa Gubaci-Root
Lisa Gubaci-Root

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News Reporter and Host Kevin Meerschaert was a student reporter at WEMU in the early 90s. After another 30 years in the public radio business and stops in Indiana, Maryland, Florida, and New Mexico, Kevin is back to where it all began.
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