The need for mental health care in the Ann Arbor area and across the country continues to increase due to the many challenges in our world today. WEMU's…
This week, "Art and Soul" is about the art of well being. Lisa Barry talks with Dr. Tony King, an Ann Arbor psychologist, University of Michigan assistant…
The University of Michigan Healthy Minds Study reports that college students are more depressed and anxious than ever. More on this from WEMU’s Heather…
U-M Mental Health Professional Addresses "SAD" & How It Could Be Worse This Year Due To The PandemicAs the seasons change and we all try to work our way through a pandemic, there can be a lot of challenges to our mental health. Every year, many people…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and after everything that's been happening in our world recently, it may be more important than ever to talk about…
The coronavirus pandemic is taking its toll on many people’s mental health.According to a new University of Michigan study, 50 percent of respondents…
According to Dr. John Greden, founder and director of the University of Michigan Comprehensive Depression Center, the impact on people's well being due to…
It's difficult not to feel emotionally uneasy in light of the spreading coronavirus and the impact trying to stop the spread is having on our lives.WEMU's…
Working to erase the stigma of depression and coming up with better ways of treatment are just some of the reasons for this week’s University of Michigan…
This week, "Art and Soul" is about the art of well being. 89.1 WEMU’s Lisa Barry is joined by Ann Arbor therapist Lori Bush to talk about resiliency and…