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Site Plan for "Old Y", and Lease Easing

By Andrew Cluley

Ann Arbor, MI – Ann Arbor's city council has approved the site plan and development agreement for William Street Station at the site of the fomer YMCA building.
The plan calls for a mix of retail, office space, housing, and the Ann Arbor Transit Authority's bus terminal.
Further details still need to be worked out. THe earliest site work would begin is sometime in the first quarter of next year.
City council also took steps Tuesday night to ease the pressure on college students who are forced to find apartments early in the school year.
Council has approved first reading of an ordinance that would prohibit landlords from showing apartments or forcing potential renters to sign leases before one third of a current lease is finished.
Council will hold a public hearing and take a final vote on the issue during its second meeting in March.