With over 100 on-street parking meters removed in Ann Arbor since 2006 and an additional 12 meters pending, city council has approved a new policy dealing with the issue. Council Monday night approved the policy that would charge developers $45,000 per meter permanently removed plus the projected ten year value for the meter.
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The Downtown Development Authority would be required to use the $45,000 for parking system capital projects. DDA Executive Director Susan Pollay says hopefully the policy won't limit development but encourage developers make sure their projects preserve as many parking meters as possible. Pollay says in the past some developers have altered their site plan to reduce the number of parking meters removed.
Pollay also adds that the $45,000 fee is based on the cost per space in above ground and underground parking structures. This fee could be waived if it's determined removing the parking meter is a benefit to the community as a whole.
— Andrew Cluley is the Ann Arbor beat reporter, and anchor for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him acluley@emich.edu.