It'll be late next summer's Thunder over Michigan airs how before the entire squadron is here, but the Blue Angels' number seven plane touched down at Willow Run airport Monday morning for an advance visit.

The rainy, windy weather couldn't dampen the excitement of watching the bright blue and yellow F/A18 Hornet streak overhead.
After the jet landed and was towed into a hangar, WEMU's Bob Eccles spoke with pilot Marine Captain Jeff Kuss.
He said it's important to make sure everything is ready for Thunder over Michigan in 2015.
"Part of our mission here, if you will, for the next day or two is to just kind of liase with the air show folks that are setting up for next summer," Kuss said, "let them know what our game plan is and see what theirs is so we can eusure that we've got a sound method for bringing the jet demonstration team to Ypsilanti."
The Blue Angels last performed here in 2011. You'll probably recall that another planned show was scuttled due to sequestration.
Marine Captain Corrie Mays is the squadron's event coordinator.
"I'll take care of all the logistical planning and the social planning for every single air show that we do," Mays said. "That's going to be this year and next year."
Yankee Air Museum Executive Director Kevin Walsh said air show organizers and the Blue Angels would spend an hour or an hour-and-a-half going over the logistics of next year's show.
"So that we can get all the details planned, and make sure expectations are met on both sides, because it's a big show when the Blue Angels come to town," Walsh said. "We have to be ready, they have to be ready, so we can put on am amazing show."
Thunder over Michigan takes place August 29th and 30th next year.
In addition to the Blue Angels, the show will feature an unprecedented collection of bombers. Tickets for the show went on sale Monday morning.