What a difference WEMU can make to your week… with news that keeps you connected… ideas that keep you interested… and music and conversation that brings you into the heart of the matter. One week can mean a lot to WEMU too – particularly this week!
That’s because just one week from today, WEMU’s budget year ends and our goal right now is to raise $12,000 to hit our $100,000 summer fundraising goal.
If WEMU has ever made your week, then please stand with our thousands of amazing supporters as we raise the critical final dollars it will take to help the programs you rely on thrive in the year to come.
Especially if you haven't contributed yet this year or have never made a gift of financial support to WEMU.
For those of you who have given already -- some multiple times this year - we thank you so much. If you haven't, now you do have the power to make all the difference! Thank you!
Molly Motherwell
General Manager and proud WEMU Community Champion
P.S. WEMU’s budget year ends in just one week. Your $50, $100, or $200 contribution will go far in helping to raise the final $12,000 to support the exceptional news that you count on every day. Thank you!