The City of Ypsilanti is making plans to reopen city hall to the public.
The plan is to reopen on June 15th but with limited hours. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, city hall will be open from 8am until noon, and on Tuesday and Thursday, from noon to 4pm. Mayor Beth Bashert says only one person at a time will be allowed to be in the main lobby area.
Mayor Beth Bashert: We’re going to use the city council chambers, which are right next door, for kind of a waiting area for folks so they are comfortable indoors but not within a social distance violation.
Services rendered through the building, planning, and code enforcement departments will have different schedules, which can be found on the city’s website. Bashert says the city will also once again start ticketing parking violators on July 6th.
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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him