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EMU Mask Project Produces Over 10,000 Masks During Pandemic


After making over 10,000 masks since the pandemic started, Eastern Michigan University’s mask project will come to an end later this month.  

Through Engage @ EMU, university staff and volunteers made reusable cloth masks that went to local hospitals, schools, businesses and residents in general in Washtenaw County.  Kristen Klochko is a spokesperson for Engage @ EMU and says they’re receiving fewer requests for masks because they’re now a lot easier to buy in stores and online.  However, Klochko says that with the number of COVID-19 cases going up in Washtenaw County, Engage @ EMU may have to offer their services again.

Kristen Klochko: We definitely are open to it if there is a need and if we have more sewers available. I know a lot of different organizations have kind of stock piles in preparation for potential increase like we’re seeing right now.

Originally, the mask project was going to end in May, but the local need extended it until November.

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— Jorge Avellan is a reporter for 89.1 WEMU News. Contact him at 734.487.3363 or email him javellan@emich.edu

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