With the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines being distributed, several doctors at Michigan Medicine have already received a first dose. WEMU's Lisa Barry talks with infectious disease specialist Dr. Payal Patel about her experience being among the very first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
With frontline medical health professionals scheduled to be among the first to receive the new COVID-19 vaccine, a Michigan Medicine doctor shares what the experience was like for her.
Michigan Medicine infectious disease specialist Dr. Payal Patel has been on the so-called frontlines dealing with COVID Patients since the pandemic began.
She was chosen to be among the first to receive the vaccine at Michigan Medicine getting her first dose on Monday with a second to follow in three weeks.
She said she was advised to get a good night’s sleep the night before the vaccination, which has left her a bit sore the day after.
Dr. Patel says she read through the vaccine literature and the studies about it and was happy to be one of the first to receive the vaccine.
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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at lbarryma@emich.edu