A lawmaker in Michigan wants to start a task force aimed at helping curb the state’s lead problem. The task force would not just be focused on lead in the water.
“She won’t let me put her down because she’s having one of those moments.”
Democratic Senator Adam Hollier held his almost year-and-a-half old daughter, Lillian, on the Senate floor as he explained his plan. He says test results showed she’s had elevated lead levels in her blood due to paint dust. Hollier says too many kids in Michigan are affected by lead.
“This is not an urban issue. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. This is an issue that affects our children. An issue that we pay for time and time again.”
Hollier says the task force’s ultimate goal is to look for the most promising programs and recommendations and then fund those projects.
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—Cheyna Roth is a reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at studio@wemu.org