The state Senate was in Lansing Tuesday and, as we hear from Rick Pluta, the Republican-controlled chamber adopted resolutions asking Governor Gretchen Whitmer to reconsider aspects of her stay-at-home orders.
One resolution asks the governor to lift a ban on medical and dental services deemed non-essential. The other says Whitmer should adopt federal guidelines to identify critical infrastructure workers, instead of setting Michigan-specific rules.
The resolutions are NOT binding, but Republican Roger Victory says it’s time to reign in the governor.
“These orders are so broad, so aggressive that they are causing confusion across Michigan.”
The governor’s current executive order expires Thursday. But House Speaker Lee Chatfield told MLive Republicans might challenge the governor in court if she tries to unilaterally extend it.
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— Rick Pluta is the Managing Editor and Reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at