There were a two contested primary races in Ypsilanti Township on Tuesday. Brenda Stumbo won the Democratic primary run-off for Ypsilanti Township…
There were a number of ballot proposals decided on Tuesday, including two countywide measures. All of them passed. COUNTYWIDE PROPOSALS: #1: PROPOSITION…
It was a close race for 22nd Circuit Court in Washtenaw County.The non-partisan run-off saw Tracy Van denBergh of Ann Arbor win with just over 35-percent…
On Primary Tuesday, Superior Township featured races for Clerk and Township Board of Trustees. With nearly 60-percent of the vote, incumbent Superior…
There was only one contested race in Lodi Township and that was for the Supervisor's position. Incumbent Lodi Township Supervisor Jan Godek won her…
In Lyndon Township, the only contested race was for Township Board of Trustees. Incumbent Robert Mester and newcomer Tim Eder took the two available seats…
In Pittsfield Township, there werte contested Democratic primary races for Supervior, Treasurer, Township Board of Trustees and Parks Commission. There…
Will Hathaway won the Democratic primary race for Scio Township Supervisor of Jillian Kerry. He will not face Republican opposition in November. Incumbent…
There were three contested primary races among candidates for the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday. They were in the 3rd, 4th and 5th…
There will be a new prosecuting attorney in Washtenaw County. Brian Mackie decided against seeking reelection. Mackie had held the post since first…