The Michigan Senate Housing and Human Services Committee approved bills Tuesday that would expand regulations on mobile home parks. Rick Pluta reports.
Bills introduced in the Michigan Legislature would offer many lower-income parents a tax break for every child under 4 years old. Rick Pluta has more.
The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that last year’s state income tax rate reduction is temporary. Rick Pluta reports.
Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act would apply to the governor and state lawmakers under legislation discussed before the state Senate Oversight Committee. Colin Jackson has more.
State officials say they plan on mailing out checks in February to Michigan households that claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit on this year’s filings. Colin Jackson has more.
A group including Michigan state lawmakers and business interests is suing over the state’s handling of this year’s surplus-driven income tax cut. Colin Jackson has more.
A plan to expand Michigan’s Earned Income Tax Credit advanced out of a state Senate committee Tuesday in the first hearing of the legislative session. Colin Jackson has more.
After one week of session, Democratic state lawmakers are already taking steps to repeal Michigan’s “right to work” law. Colin Jackson has more.
The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation will appeal a judge’s ruling that teacher lesson plans, homework assignments and classroom materials are exempt from Freedom of Information Act requests. We have more from Rick Pluta.
A trio of economic development projects are set to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in state incentives. Colin Jackson has more.