Michigan lawmakers pulled an all-nighter and worked until sunrise to finalize the new state budget and then begin the Legislature’s summer recess. Rick Pluta reports.
The state House adopted a bill Tuesday that would reduce the state’s contributions to the public school employee retirement fund. Rick Pluta reports.
The Michigan Legislature voted Wednesday to allow trial courts to continue assessing court fees on guilty defendants for another two-and-a-half years. Colin Jackson has more.
House and Senate committees held a hearing Wednesday on improvements to Michigan’s juvenile justice system. The topic was ensuring youths charged with delinquency get adequate legal representation.
The Michigan Legislature wrapped up work on the state budget Wednesday and headed out for the summer. New school funding plans, including money for universal pre-school and university tuition caps were all part of it. Rick Pluta and Colin Jackson help unpack it all.
The Michigan judiciary outlined millions in proposed budget changes to state lawmakers this week. Colin Jackson has more.
Michigan lawmakers could be setting a bill up to cut taxes for retirees, provide certain breaks, and spend money on economic incentives. But all that's still up in the air, and no one seems certain about what the bill will eventually become. Colin Jackson has more.
Nearly ten months after coming together, the “Michigan Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform” is close to giving its final recommendations. Colin Jackson has more.