PFAS chemicals are being linked to more and more serious health problems. But still, it’s legal to use them in the U.S., with minor exceptions. And they…
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are being found across the country in the drinking water of community water supplies, residential wells,…
Everyone wants clean water and clean air, and most agree that human life is dependent on a healthy planet. In this segment of WEMU’s “The Green Room,” we…
Over the next few months, WEMU's environmental feature, 'The Green Room.' will focus exclusively on the 1,4 dioxane plume that is impacting groundwater in…
Approximately 15 percent of Americans under age 70 have preventable noise-related hearing loss. New research is showing that seemingly benign levels of…
Washtenaw County continues to be a leader in environmental stewardship. Among the ideas and initiatives underway is an increased commitment to wind…
From a half-dozen college students with a beat up truck to a major business, Barbara Lucas traces the 35 year history of Recycle Ann Arbor on The Green…
Being environmentally responsible, even in death. A fascinating look at 'green burials' on The Green Room from WEMU.
On any given day, we waste a lot of food, whether it's during preparation, after it hits our plates, or because it's gone bad in the refrigerator. Most of…