PFAS chemicals are being linked to more and more serious health problems. But still, it’s legal to use them in the U.S., with minor exceptions. And they…
The chemical bonds of PFAS substances are virtually indestructible. That makes their complete disposal hard, if not impossible. Meanwhile, their…
Everyone wants clean water and clean air, and most agree that human life is dependent on a healthy planet. In this segment of WEMU’s “The Green Room,” we…
Scientific reports about climate change tell us major challenges are not only likely but will happen sooner than we thought. Meanwhile, apocalyptic books…
According to the Association of Oil Pipelines, pipelines are energy “lifelines." They create jobs, keep costs down, and are the safest way to transport…
“The Green Room” series on pipelines continues. In the previous three segments we discovered the web of underground infrastructure is more complex and…
As the recent disaster in Massachusetts shows, pipeline problems can cause fatal explosions. But in Michigan, it’s the impact pipelines might have to our…
Whether crude oil or natural gas, once these fossil fuels are extracted from the ground, they can present flammable and toxic hazards. Safely transporting…
Why do some people feel oil and gas pipelines are a good and necessary part of our lives, while others fight against them? To tackle this question, first…
Driverless technology is here! Two fully-automated, 11-passenger, all-electric shuttles manufactured by French firm NAVYA will soon begin transporting…
Inspired by the intense controversy over Ann Arbor’s deer cull, this two-part series focuses on underlying value systems that shape perspectives on…
Centuries-old trees have many benefits: they provide habitat, absorb stormwater runoff, sequester carbon, and beautify the rural landscape. Many of our…
These days, it seems you can back up just about any point of view, depending on which facts you choose to cite. So, let’s take a moment to set aside the…
At the November climate talks in Bonn, Germany, an initiative called “America’s Pledge” put forth a commitment by U.S. states, cities, companies, and…