Ypsilanti City Council has approved a letter of intent to sell a parcel of land in the Water Street Re-Development Area to a company that wants to build a 76-unit affordable housing project there.
Michael Rodriguez is Development Director for Herman and Kittle Properties. He says the 3.13 acre parcel on the southern edge of the re-development area is attractive for several reasons, including proximity to the Huron River and Michigan Avenue.
The housing development wasn't welcomed by everyone.
Downtown businessman Dave Heikkinen expressed concerns that the city needs more market-rate housing rather than housing that caters to low-income residents.
The city would sell the land for $157,000, with the developer performing about $750,000 worth of infrastructure improvements. The plan is to have a purchase agreement back before city council in March.
— Bob Eccles is a reporter and the host of 89.1 WEMU's All Things Considered. Contact him at 734.487.3363, email him reccles@emich.edu, or follow him on Twitter @BobEcclesWEMU