Lyndon Township officials will soon be tasked with deciding upon a special land-use permit which would allow for a new gravel and mining pit.
McCoig Materials would like to establish the Sand mining operation and gravel pit on a site across from M-52, near Green Lake. Township residents and city of Chelsea residents have turned out in force at public hearings to oppose the measure.
It would send hundreds of trucks through downtown Chelsea on a daily basis. There are also environmental worries about the how the operation would impact water aquifer levels and quality. Additionally, there is the matter of how it may impact the nearby Waterloo Recreation area.
In this month's installment of 1st Friday Focus on the Environment, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Executive Director Lisa Wozniak talks to one of the stakeholders. Christine Manninen is a homeowner on Island Lake and a vocal member of the group Friends of Chelsea and Lyndon Township.
Sometimes, eight minutes are not enough! Listen below for more on the subject, as Lisa and Christine continued the conversation, off the air.