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Mich Med Doctor Reminds People That We're Not There Yet In Ending Coronavirus Pandemic

Michigan Medicine
Michigan Medicine

As we move closer to a vaccine to combat COVID-19, local hospitals continue to experience an increase in cases.  WEMU’s Lisa Barry talks to Michigan Medicine infectious disease specialist Dr. Payal Patel, who says public health precautions still need to be closely followed as they near capacity in the hospital with COVID cases.

Payal Patel
Credit Michigan Medicine / uofmhealth.org
Dr. Payal Patel

In the words of Dr. Payal Patel, ”We’re not there yet” -- as at the end of the coronavirus pandemic. 

She says they’re in a second “peak” of COVID-19 cases, and it feels like they’re back to where they started in terms of number of cases and lengthy hospitalizations for treatment.

Dr. Patel says they’re at 90 percent capacity at the University of Michigan hospital, and while that’s challenging for staff, it’s difficult for patients too, as visitors are restricted due to the increase in COVID cases.

She says even though there is hope on the horizon with several vaccines, it’s still important to follow public health advisories and follow the same limited gatherings for Christmas as were advised for Thanksgiving.

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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at lbarryma@emich.edu

Lisa Barry was a reporter, and host of All Things Considered on 89.1 WEMU.
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