The Ann Arbor District Library’s Summer Game starts today and aims to keep students learning and reading throughout their summer break. This year's Summer Game ties into Ann Arbor’s year-long Bicentennial celebrations.
Rich Retyi is the communications and marketing manager for the Ann Arbor District Library. He says the game originated at a reading challenge to keep students educationally engaged through summer break, but has expanded:
“What the Summer Game is now is part scavenger hunt, part online code searching, puzzles, events that happen that have codes in them. We have Summer Game lawn signs that sprout up around town now."
Retyi says the Game is an opportunity for kids to win prizes, and to get familiar with the resources the public library has to offer.
“Learn how to use the library and use our catalog and everything else, and then get all these points that they can use towards prizes, like library T-shirts, umbrellas, tote bags, all of those fun things.”
The Summer Game starts today, June 13th, and will run through August 25th. Retyi says the game is open to all age groups, and residents can join at any point through the summer.
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