Some 10-acres of property at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport may soon be home to a massive solar array. In this weeks edition of 'Issues of the Environment' our guest is City of Ann Arbor Environmental Coordinator Matt Naud. Listen below to the conversation on the genesis of the project, what it will mean to the Ann Arbor area and what other projects it may inspire.
* Plans are coming together for the installation of a massive solar array (10-acre, 1-megawatt) to occupy part of the Ann Arbor Airport where crops are currently cultivated.
* This project will be funded by DTE Energy and will help the utility meet its sustainability goal of 10 percent renewable energy by 2015, and it will further Ann Arbor toward the city’s Climate Action Plan objectives.
* Matt Naud, Environmental Coordinator for the City of Ann Arbor, says the exact timeline and details of the project are still being worked out, but the installation is a good use of airport land and a benefit to the county.