Michigan House Democrats have introduced a series of police reform bills to set uniform standards for law enforcement across the state when it comes to things like use of force.
Under one of the bills, departments would have to come up with their own use-of-force policies that cover items like standards for when to use physical or deadly force instead of a verbal warning.
Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Director Robert Stevenson said he doesn’t see a major need for the bill. But he says his group could back it anyway.
“Before, it was policy, and it wasn't in law. But if you're going to put something into law, that needs to be very clear exactly what it is that you expect from the departments. So, we just have some minor suggestions. And if they'll make those changes, then we would support the bill,” Stevenson said.
He said he would like to see the bill amended to clarify that chokeholds would be considered lethal force.
Other bills introduced as part of the package would require officers to intervene if they witness another officer using excessive force and set more rules for search warrants.
A bill would allow so-called “no-knock” warrants if a life is in danger, there’s evidence that a person is aware law enforcement is there, or if announcing police presence would hurt an investigation.
Stevenson said that would be a shift from current policy.
"The way the search warrant statute is written right now in Michigan, it says police must knock and announce. There are no exceptions. So actually, this legislation that they're proposing allows no-knocks. It just defines when you can use them. So, it's actually an expansion for us,” he said.
Again, Stevenson said his group would support the bill with some wording changes, like clarifying the difference between refusing entry and not granting entry.
The legislation has a tough journey ahead. It would need to get through the committee process and both chambers of the Legislature in fewer than 10 session days to make it to the governor and become law.
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