Proposal Three is one of the three constitutional amendments that Michiganders will see on the November ballot. The Ann Arbor Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce hosted an event to explore both sides of the abortion debate.
Prop Three would amend the state constitution to establish reproductive rights for Michiganders. It would put all decisions about pregnancy in the hands of the individual and would forbid prosecution of those exercising those rights.
Linh Song, the campaign co-chair for Reproductive Freedom for All and Ann Arbor City Council member, supports Prop 3.
“It’s about protecting women, so that they can have these personal choices. They can make these personal choices without that many of us in that room.”
Christen Pollo is a spokeswoman for Citizens to Support Michigan Women and Children. She opposes Prop 3 because it makes abortion permanent in the state.
“Our conversations and beliefs about abortion are important. These are conversations that we need to be having. But Proposal 3 silences our voices for forever by putting the most extreme policies into our state constitution.”
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