When you find and wonder what to do with that loved, but dusty and unused musical instrument found in your basement, attic or garage, give it to "Horns for the Holidays." Ken Kozora has collected, repaired and repurposed instruments for students across Washtenaw County. Meet Ken and learn more about "Horns for the Holidays" when he joined Deb Polich on this edition of WEMU’s "creative:impact."
Education in lower income areas was already suffering, in part, because of underfunding. Then the pandemic hit, and some kids fell further behind. It has hit the Ypsilanti area particularly hard. Using anti-racist and positive teaching methods, Educate Youth is a summer program aimed at bolstering the academic prospects of kids in the 48197 and 48198 zip codes. Its founder and executive director, Gail Wolkoff, joined WEMU's David Fair with a look at the program impacts.
Humor is the antidote for the world’s imperfection. Amanda Uhle, publisher of McSweeney’s and a freelance journalist, relies on her talent, plus a healthy…
This week for "On the Ground Ypsi," Lisa Barry and Sarah Rigg talk with a 14-year old member of the Ypsilanti District Library Teen Advisory Group about a…
Mackenzie Scott and Dan Jewett recently gave away $2.7 billion to “286 teams empowering voices the world needs to hear.” Neutral Zone (NZ) was surprised…
Sometimes, getting teenagers to share what is on their minds is not that easy. But in this week's "On The Ground Ypsi," Lisa Barry and Sarah Rigg talk…
The State of Michigan’s Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity has awarded $250,000 to Washtenaw County for youth development programs. The…