Local and renowned artist, ceramist and professor Susanne Stephens’ career spans seven decades. In this second of a two-part series, we meet Patti Smith, who is on the team helping Susanne archive and catalog her works. What’s Patti’s interest and what is the job of a collection’s manager? We find out when Patti joins Deb Polich on this edition of "creative:impact."
Monday, March 8, 2021 is being observed as International Women’s Day, part of Women’s History Month celebrating the vital role of women in American…
Special education teacher and author Patti Smith is one of the most passionate Ann Arbor residents you'll ever meet. She sees her hometown as an ongoing…
Michigan author Patti Smith explains the 45-year history of Ann Arbor's original food co-op, which began in 1971. Her new book, titled A History of Ann…