Seniors at Ypsilanti New Tech (YNT) High School have a couple of things to celebrate Thursday.
They'll participate in Michigan’s inaugural College Decision Day by hosting a school-wide assembly, 2 p.m. Thursday, May 22 at the school, 2100 Ellsworth Road, Ypsilanti. Later that evening at 6:30 p.m., there will be a special family celebration at the school.
The seniors will also be recognized asthe school’s first graduating class since the program launched in 2010.
Dennis Brunzell, College Decision Day event site coordinator and YNT school counselor, explained that creating a college-going culture within the school is imperative.
“This is our first class of graduates, and we want their sights to be on college as the foundation for their future vocations,” Brunzell said.
College Decision Day is part of a larger movement led by the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) to increase college degree attainment rates across the state of Michigan, which includes 2 and 4-year degrees, technical certificates, and professional certificates.
Holly Heaviland, Director of Community and School Partnerships and Washtenaw Futures, Washtenaw County’s new Local College Access Network (LCAN), says there are a variety of post-high school options for students.
“College is not just going to a 4-year university, college means pursuing any type of valuable postsecondary credentials,” Heaviland explains. “We want to celebrate and support every student who continues their education after high school.”
A majority of YNT graduates (75 of the 84) have committed to attending college in the fall. Some of their educational choices include: Washtenaw Community College, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan Institute for Aviation and Technology and John Cabot University in Rome, Italy.
New Tech teamed up with Eastern Michigan University, Washtenaw Community College, and Washtenaw Futures to make College Decision Day possible.