Nestled on the eastern side of Ypsilanti Township is a neighborhood park that is largely grass-covered and is an underutilized resource. That is changing.…
Childhood trauma, if not addressed properly, can have terrible, long-term effects. In many situations, law enforcement is involved, and that can intensify…
For this week's "On The Ground Ypsi," WEMU's Lisa Barry and Sarah Rigg from Concentrate Media talk with Peter Sanderson from the Washtenaw County Parks…
As life continues to move towards pre-pandemic activity levels, we’re seeing more and more opportunities for in-person engagement. WEMU's Lisa Barry talks…
Curbside recycling is common practice, yet many residents are still placing unrecyclable materials in their bins. That's why the Washtenaw Regional…
Gary Horton, originally from Ann Arbor, moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1996 to study fine art and design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. This is…
This week for "On the Ground Ypsi," Lisa Barry and Sarah Rigg talk with JoAnn McCollum, president of the New West Willow Neighborhood Association in…
In this week's "On The Ground Ypsi," Lisa Barry and project manager Sarah Rigg talk to Scott Heister, Southeast Regional Director for Mi STEM and a…
Soon after the pandemic hit, unemployment went up significantly on the east side of Washtenaw County. Student homelessness and food insecurity went up,…
With the help of Eastern Michigan University, the United Way, and other local groups, Ypsilanti Community Schools will open an in-person Learning Lab on…