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EMU Outlines Budget Challenges For Next Fiscal Year

Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University sent an email to staff and faculty Tuesday afternoon detailing a budget shortfall and some possible ramifications.  

EMU President, Dr. James Smith, addressed the campus community yesterday afternoon.  His message was about challenges; specifically, financial challenges facing the University.  EMU is projecting a budget shortfall of up to $5.5 million in this fiscal year, and Dr. Smith says that expenses must be reduced immediately across all departments.  

The biggest reductions will come from 60 positions that will be eliminated or are currently open and will not be filled.  Dr. Smith notes that reductions in state funding, changes in student populations, reductions in credit hours, etc. are affecting most of higher education, and EMU is certainly not immune to these trends.  

According to Smith, "This is not an Eastern Michigan University problem - or reflective that we have done something wrong."  

WEMU will have more on this story as it becomes available.

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— Patrick Campion is the WEMU Program Director.  You can contact Patrick at 734.487.3363, on twitter @WEMUPC, or email him at pcampion@emich.edu

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